Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the good, the bad and the ugly...

Today is a day of reckoning!! I received good news, bad and ugly news!! :( Sobs.. the bad and the ugly news over-powered the good news...

Okie.. the good news first! My shipping at Bloomingdales went through!! And they got the order right too! Phew... was worried that it was going to be the wrong colours that I was going to get...

The BAAAAD news.. there wont' be any trip to anywhere in 7 days time! I can kiss my Pret-a-Paris plans au revoir and sayonara! :( Its really quite depressing especially when its so close! Its a huge disappointment but what to do? Sigh

And the UGLEEE??? Isnt the bad news an ugly enough news already? 'Nuff said for today!

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