Sunday, April 13, 2008

whad did i do?

What did I do this weekend?

I spent Friday evening with the sisters over a sinful dinner of PUB GRUB. The youngest siblingz recommended Sruffy Muffys at ECP. Call me backward, but I hadn had the slightest clue what that place was. Turned out to be a quaint pub just alongside the beach. It was fun hanging out with my sisters. I guess its been a looooong while. Well, eversince I moved out and got married, we haven't done the 'Parkwaying' gig that we grown accustomed to doing every Sunday after Mass. Yes, we still meet for Mass, but these days, after lunch on Sundays, we just go about doing our own thing. Steph would either head to church, Marz would rather just hang out at home and me sometimes wanna go home and nuah. It's nice to just come together and just chill out once in a while I guess. With Marz setting up her own nest soon and the youngest the possibility of going overseas, I guess times like these would even be rarer... sobs.

After a sinful dinner, I meet up with Vic who came back from chiner.. so I went to the movies with him and his guy gang. Three Kingdoms was not bad but it was funny looking at Andy Lau aged not at the end of the movie but halfway during the movie. Anyways, I didn't really study Chinese History so I spent more than half the movie bugging Vic about what was going on! Haha...after the movie, my old bag of bones just wanted to head home, but got dragged to Arab Street for some late supper and chit-a-chat. By the time I crawled into bed, it was way ahead of my bed-time.

Then on Sat, I was supposed to head out to the beach at Sentosa with Min, but well, the best laid plans got waylaid by Mother Nature. Well, the rest is history I guess. Don't fancy heading to the beach in the rain! In the end, went to view the auction that Mum was organising. I ended up fancying one of the lots! The mere simple reason was becos it was pink... dusky pink and pale yellow. It didn't stand out initially but after closer observation, it was really quite sweet! :) After the viewing, I hung out with the cousins... was thinking of catching a movie, but in the end, we walked pass this shop selling baking goods and there came our brilliant idea of BAKING CUPCAKES!! :)

After church, we thought we had a lot of time, but we ended up dillyingz- dallyingz and by the time we went to the supermarket, ran our errands, it was 9pm!!!! The baking madness then began! We baked not one, not two but THREE FLAVOURS!!! It was cupcake madness and not the regular size but the mini tiny cupcakes! I reckon we made like close to 200 cupcakes!!! Hahaha... I was knackered by the time we finished baking and decorating the cupcakes.. It was like 1 am... I nearly fainted from standing in the kitchen and scooping the mix into the tiny little cups!

And this pic is so damn funny!!!! It was hilarious just posing for it... looks I am attaining 'Enlightenment' status... hahaha