Thursday, April 10, 2008

Back to skool

Met up with the ex-colleagues at WTC last night and us threesome went back to SKOOL... Wah School sure was ulu lor... it was at Mount Sophia and whilst we thought it was hip and cool, we realised that there were only 2 cafes there. Nevertheless it was good fun just hanging out and chit-chatting over alcohol and yumz yumz food. We were such piggies... ordered so much food. From the yummy sesame-plum salad with roasted duck, Mentaiko pasta, 4-cheese pizza and Spicy drumlets (tasted more like those you can get from CP frozen food)! :p

Here are the fun shots that we took (courtesy of the puff-ster!)

This shot is damn funny.... jenn looks like she is drunk already ...Haha....

Is that what they are teaching us in school?? Barney?!?!

Ooh... I like this shot... very paparazzi!!!