Thursday, October 16, 2008

I need to feng-shui my place and I need it QUICK!!!

I feel that my luck has been down of late.. first, it was the nemesis@work! After giving me grief and being so nasty over the phone, I actually physically bumped into n@wk this morning in the same elevator box. In between managing my bagful of laundry, 2 cups of teh, I actually managed to knock into n@wk who almost immediately 'TSK' me and threw me a look of disgust. Just my luck I guess.. I hope it doesn signal the start of a horrible day.

Anyway, I am pretty sure it did! Cos thereafter, my 'worstest worstest' nightmare came true! I now have to face my monthly nightmare almost everyday from next week onwards. Sigh.. its' not a pretty sight at work today as I tried hard to fight the sparkly droplets from falling. I know I am sounding like a child who appears to be throwing a fit.. but honestly, if you only knew the pain I have to go through, its to me my greatest fear! Sigh...

But, I will try my very best to embrace this nightmare.. I have to at least give it a shot right? Who knows, maybe with time, my nightmare may not be that bad after all.. So I am giving myself today to mope and whine.. tomorrow, I try harder to accept and embrace new challenges..

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